Business Finanace

Finance is an integral part of any business.

Rory O'Dwyer NKC Business & Taxation Consultants business finance advisor

Adequate funding is fundamental to ensure the needs of the business are met. NKC assists clients in assessing their financial needs and ensuring that those needs are sufficiently satisfied on an ongoing basis. There is a range of funding sources available to Irish businesses and NKC can assist you in identifying the correct source of finance for your business. We can assist you in acquiring private equity investment and in sourcing funding from state agencies such as Enterprise Ireland.

Our services include

  • Raising Finance

  • Preparation of business plans

  • Preparation of comprehensive financial projections

  • Business valuations.

Mergers & Acquisitions

We work with you to control and manage a successful acquisition strategy, or business disposal. Acquisitions are all about identifying and evaluating targets, negotiating the deal and managing the completion. The Disposal process includes forming a realistic valuation of the business, soliciting offers, negotiating an agreement and then managing completion.

Our services include

  • Assisting in finding suitable potential financial acquisitions

  • Identifying synergies and potential cost savings

  • Assessing value and total purchase costs

  • Due diligence investigations and reports

Business Valuation

In preparing company valuations and estimates of the value of a client’s interest in a business, we ensure our clients maximise their return on investment.

Email us directly to find out more.